Master Gardener volunteers share science-based, sustainable gardening practices through community outreach activities that are available to all.
The role of the Foundation is to financially support this work.

Consider Becoming a Master Gardener
If you love gardening and want to support environmental education in our community, please check out everything the WSU Extension Island County Master Gardener Program has to offer.
Learn what Master Gardener training involves and how to apply to become certified. Browse the links to comprehensive resources on gardening. Explore what Master Gardeners do to support our mission on Whidbey and Camano Islands.
There are learning opportunities for all ages and all levels of horticultural experience.
Upcoming Events

Make a Difference

Here are some ways to show your support:
WSU Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference
The Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State partners with WSU to host the Advanced Education Conference (AEC) to further the education of Extension Master Gardener volunteers throughout the state. The Conference is open to the public.
Visit the AEC site for details on the 2024 conference, held on September 26 to 28, virtually. Classes were recorded and you can still purchase the full conference presentations.