A rousing thank you to our Whidbey and Camano Island communities for your support of the annual Master Gardener Plant Sale! Each year, our Master Gardeners grow veggie starts in greenhouses, divide and pot up perennials, start a variety of plants from seed and cuttings, and create garden art. We wait with excitement for you to arrive on the morning of the Plant Sale and are thrilled to see you all.
This year’s plant sale will be held from 9 am to 1 pm in two locations – the Greenbank Farm on Whidbey Island on May 10th and the Multipurpose Center on Camano Island on May 17th.

The Whidbey Island team awaits you!
The plant sale on Whidbey Island is held in the big barn at Greenbank Farm. Our tables will be filled with tomato starts, veggie starts, sun and shade perennials, native plants, shrubs and trees, ornamental grasses, and ground covers – all your garden needs. Garden art will complement the plants, along with a beautiful array of hanging baskets.

The Camano Island Team awaits you!
Camano Island hosts the plant sale at Camano Multi-Purpose Center, 141 East Camano Drive. This will be the fourth year that we hold a sale on Camano, made possible by the growing number of Camano residents who have trained to become Master Gardeners. Community support is essential and we look forward to a great turnout this year, and a robust selection of plants for your gardens.

The Camano team will once again be creating hanging baskets

Dividing and potting perennials is good for the plants, and rewarding for us

The greenhouse at the Master Gardener Education Garden is filled with cuttings