Sharing Success, Educating Each Other, and Celebrating Activities

The Master Gardener Gazette is the quarterly newsletter of the Island County Master Gardener Foundation. Issues are published by the editorial team in January, April, July, and October. All content is submitted by WSU Extension Master Gardeners.

Each issue contains the following regular features and including highlights noted below.

  • From the President – updates on Foundation activities
  • From the Program Coordinator – highlighting WSU Extension topics
  • From the Education Garden – people and projects at the garden
  • Master Gardeners Around Island County – accomplishments, celebrations, education – all we have done
  • Meet Our Newest Master Gardeners – bios of those who became certified Master Gardeners since the previous issue
  • Plant Detectives – plant clinic mysteries solved by Master Gardeners
  • Upcoming Events
Plant clinic locations and times for 2024; reflections on the intern experience from a member of the class of 2024; Whidbey Gardening Workshop thanks and feedback; preview of Education Series for 2024; Master Gardener volunteer statistics from our work in 2023; new garden leads and team members in the Education Garden.
January 2024Where native plants come from; Coming events and projects for the Foundation; Reflecting on volunteer contributions going into the new year; Visitor Engagement Task Force at the Education Garden; Celebrating Years of Service awards for Master Gardener volunteers.
October 2023Using the Master Gardener Plant Problem Blog to answer clinic questions; Preview of Foundation events; WSU Extension funding initiative for endowed faculty chair in Horticulture; Shade Garden history and new project at the Education Garden; Introduction of Class of 2024 Master Gardener trainees; Foundation scholarship award recipient.
July 2023
Identifying Cypress Tip Moth on conifers; Farewell to three long-time Master Gardeners retiring or moving; Cottage Garden history and activities at the Education Garden; partnering with Island County Noxious Weed Board; 50th Anniversary of the Master Gardener program.
April 2023Resources for identifying plant problems; Remembering Don Lee; collaborations with other local non-profits; Program priorities of the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program; Prairie Garden development and how to get involved at the Education Garden.
January 2023Preview of the beauty, bounty, and benefit at the Whidbey Gardening Workshop for 2023; call for inspiration and contribution to the annual Plant Sale; Dave Thomas celebrates 40 years of Master Gardening; WSU Extension endowed chair campaign; Native Garden delights and greenhouse projects at the Education Garden.
October 2022Identifying sources of stress in Stewartia; Four-Season Garden and enhanced entry area at Education Garden; Foundation scholarship awards to two WSU students.